Wednesday, November 26, 2014


The incubator of fear, of anxiety.
Breeder of suicidal thoughts
Visionary of death
Twisting ones mind, with its' complexity
Erasing what ones been taught
Eating souls like meth
You question rationality and truth
As it consumes your soul
Strength bows down
Deep within may lie proof
Answers may stroll
leaving a crippled frown

Woe is me who sits { IN SILENCE }

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Believe & You can

 I believe that you control your future.  Yes, there are factors that are to be considered, but if you go into an instance prepared, you can overcome outside factors.  Not to say that you will not ever will.  If you never fail, you rarely try.  perseverance is key to anyone's future, and this you and "only" you can control that!
I believe that there are no boundaries in life.  You are only limited within your own mind.  Should you decide to climb Mt. Everest, you can.  If you decided to create a new mode of transportation, you can.  Now I am not saying, that these things can just "Be Done"!  You have to do what it takes to get there.  If you need to be trained, then so be it, train.  If you need to know how to work out logarithms, then you will have to learn how to do so.  It all depends upon what you are willing to do to achieve your goal.  Your success is measured by your preparation and knowledge, as well as your will to succeed!
I believe you can do nothing alone.  There is not a single soul living or dead, that can say they have ever done anything alone.  Whether in your mind, heart, or physically, there is "someone" there beside you.  We are all inspired by or influenced by someone no matter what we are doing.  I depend upon GOD to get me through everything.  And, I usually have memories of others there to help push me through to the end as well.  Point is, I nor anyone else is ever alone 100%.
I believe in Love.  In its purist form I do believe in love.  I also believe that love is so abused.  TOO MANY PEOPLE use "I Love You" to easily in day to day life.  To say I love you is to say that you are a person I would die for, as Jesus loved us and so gave his life in that.  Love that God had for us by giving his only sons life up for "US".  When I tell my wife I love her, I am telling her that I will die before I will let any harm come to her, as will I do for "Anyone" I tell that I love them.  That being said,  I will "NOT" tell anyone I love them if I don't.  To extend on that,  I also believe that "Love" can be worn away.  It can fade, as any other feeling, such as misery, pain, happiness, or sadness.  Maybe not as quickly as other "emotions", but it can and does happen.
These are a few of the things I believe in, and in closing I would like to say that yes, I believe in GOD.  Take that as you will.  I do "NOT" wish to debate with "ANYONE" on this issue on the blogs.  Thank you for reading,I hope you enjoyed this, and enjoy my other blogs as well!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

VA Hospitals and Slow Care

This article is within days of being exactly a year ago.As a patient there I can attest that if its any better, then one can't tell it. I had an MRI done, by direction of a Doctor who was standing in for mine while she was on vacation. MRI was don in July, and I was directed by the MRI unit director that I would be scheduled a follow-up appt. within 2 weeks to go over the results and discuss future treatment of my spinal injuries. I never received an appt. so I, after over 3 months complained through proper channels. after 2 days of runaround and promises, I called the asst. director on Mon. Nov. 17 2014 and he personally assured me that MY DOCTOR or HER NURSE would call me within 24 hours. It is the 18th of Nov. 2014 I have not received any phone call. Now, I am documenting this to show where it might go and how long it takes.
This is a factual example and it doesn't look good. The VA is a broken system and needs to be fixed. They pride themselves on "WORKING FOR THE VETERANS". But with the exception of a few non essential personnel I cannot see any Honor or respect for us Veterans! How do you folks feel? Let me know, and I will keep everyone updated also!

This article/video was posted one year ago on the 20th of Nov.  VIDEO

The latest from VA Director.  MY VA

OK...It is the 19th of Nov. 2014 and my update egos like this;  After doing as I should and following the appropriate procedure, #NOPROGRESS After being on the phone from 9 am this morning till 3 pm this afternoon, I have spoken to 4 people who can only tell me the same thing, I need to leave a message and someone will call me back.  I have no problem with that except for the fact that my medication is due here at my home tomorrow, and the pharmacy hasn't got the renew slip from my Doctor.  The  Public Relations person, Kevin McGiver, my patient Advocate(No name because they haven't called back after 8 calls) Patient Advice Operator, have all told me MY NURSE OR DOCTOR would call me.  I explained my dilemma to deaf ears and sit awaiting a call.  I know whose fault this falls back too because there are multiple notes in my records that She (My Doctor) has been notified to renew my medication.  Keep following and see when this gets taken care of and how!

Asy, I have mave progress.  It is 20 Nov. 2014.  After over 50 calls this week I have gotten my Meds straightened out.  I have a link  which if needed after trying locally, you should use.  Please feel free and leave any helpful information for others that you may have, or any comments you wish to express!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Americas Important Issues

First let me say that this blog is my opinion and I would not only appreciate comments, I insist that you speak up.  That is the only way we, as Americans, are going to get this country straighted out.  The Politicians "DO" work for "US".  Below you will find a few of the problems which are major issues the US has to get taken care of.  If you care to comment please,do so!  If you feel there are other issues I have left out, Please comment and I will address your concerns also! I have done research and have some links I am providing which will give some grounds for my idea's as they pertain to solutions.  So, Let us get started!

Issue 1

Minimum Wage.  I believe we have a problem with wages, employment, and unemployment.  But demanding by law that a small business which is barely surviving in this economy pay wages, proposed at $10.35 or so per hour, that they simply cannot afford is ludicris!   You could set a standard that they raise thier wages in house over a 3 year period by $1.00 per hour per employee.  At least with that option they could have a fighting chance.  If you listen to this video on YouTube It can and will also explain some of the problems with raising the min. wage.  And personally, I think this should be left to the state so that their economics fit to the rules set so employers in New York do not dictate what an employer in Georgia who get considerably less for the same product or service, may have to pay its employees!

Issue 2

The war on drugs.  With drugs being a major problem in the US as well as other countries, I feel that this should be approached as assertively as Terrorism.  For example.  Mexico, contributes by some sources as much as 90% of the Cocaine from other countries, then distributed in the US, and is a major producer of Heroin, Methamphetamine, and Marijuana in the US.  With those factors come the Cartels, corruption, and a major part of our Illegal Immigrant problems.  Mexico's Drug War
Cocaine and other raw drugs usually come through from other areas such as Brazil,  But, marijuana and methamphetamine in high percentages come directly from Mexico.  Their Govt. has with US cooperation tried to cut these producers out, but the corruption and of course their growing poverty levels make it almost impossible to stop.  We need to get intelligense into those countries and determine the producers,growers, and money men inside these countries.  Once that is done, attack them head on in one massive attack with military.  Assist Those governments involved in policing the countries for a short period time to assure it doesn't start back up.

Issue 3

Isis or choose!  They are a danger to "ALL" countries, societies, and even small town USA.  They are for real and should be taken for what they say...word for word.  Speaking as a Veteran, but not for all Veterans, and a US citizen, i don't think anyone wants to go back to war over there again.  That said, Airstrikes will not get it done.  Our so called ADVISOR only soldiers are there and at risk until we have an army of soldiers there which can take them out.  I do not believe that training the people that are there will be enough to assure that OUR troops are safe nor do I believe that they will ever be able to overcome Isis/Isil, and thats to assume that they won't at sometime run, as they have done before.  We need to go with 20 thousand or so troops and "QUICKLY" disband this group/army of terrorists!  At least to the point that we show the idiots that thier agenda isn't going to happen!

Now...I have completed my blog for now.  I am interested in your input and objective opinions.  Please, There will be no bashing on here and I do appreciate all of your voices on these issues.  I will not tolerate excessive foul language, racism, or sexist remarks.  Please also share this so I can get opinions and voices so I can make a point should I ever get this read bay someone who may give a Damned..Thank you!  YOUR VOICE COUNTS TOO!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Save Our Pride!

As a Veteran I can say without hesitation that we are some of the most patriotic people in these United States. Some are draft era veterans, others are volunteer veterans, but either way, veterans care about our country. It is not something we take lightly. With that said, in today's society our pride is being stripped on a daily basis. And, before I get started, I want to express that I do “NOT” want any veteran to think I am calling one soldier,one branch, or one soldiers job any more or less important. I also want everyone to know that each era has had its own share of problems and griefs when it comes to issues that tear at our pride and make us question sometimes why we even care, On with the story!

Taking the average man or woman who enters the Armed Forces, they have pride in the country before they sign up. Now once they are in. pride is emphasized, but the core was there before. As we are trained, as we move around, as we live within our ranks, the bonds we make, the friendships we build, only magnifies our pride. We salute our flag, we hold our oath to heart, and we strive everyday to not only respect our country, but feel an obligation to protect everyone who lives here without prejudice or hesitation. I personally think that we are all guardians of what is our own. Our families,friends, and those who look up to us have only one line of defense... The Armed Forces of The United States.

This is where I am going to make people mad....the truth hurts, and as far as I am concerned, if this pisses you off then you feel guilt for being a part of the problem. Here goes. I won't get into the politics of the protests, the ugly slurs, or the negative ideals from the press or opposing politicians. I will however point out that most of those who have protested, slurred, or fallen into the political opposition, haven't had the courage, or honor it takes to “EARN” what it takes to be called a veteran! We have hundreds of thousands of homeless veterans in the US. We shouldn't have one. Americans give BILLIONS of dollars to other countries for housing, food, and humanitarian relief. Homeless veterans don't receive a fraction of that..Sham on Americans! Take care of us. Americans will support legislation to Feed,cloth, and provide shelter for “ILLEGAL” immigrants, but not do the same for our nations veterans. Americans will give “BILLIONS” to charities for this research or this disease, but will walk by a homeless Veteran and snear! Americans sit and judge veterans with PTSD and won't fight to help them with their disability! Now I have nothing against any charity. I feel we need those causes. I only want people of the USA to realize we have a problem. Half of the homeless veterans are there because of shunning and disregard. His pride has been stripped and this is whats left. As many as 20 veterans every “DAY” commit suicide. This is partially because of continuous neglect to there physical and mental needs. That strips the pride right out of a human being. When they have a rally, or speak publicly, very few supporters show up. America, it is your duty, your responsibility, your place as an American to be there, be heard, and be seen for veterans. They shouldn't have to ask you either. You did not ask them to take an oath to protect you and yours!

Do not disregard our nations veterans! Please stop stripping them of their pride and humility. Step up! Shout! Write a letter to anyone! Be as proud of them as they once were of you. It's your turn. GIVE MY FAMILY,MY BROTHERS, WHAT THEY DESERVE! Or pick up a weapon and defend your own damned family!

Last words?

It's 3am and I haven't closed my eyes tonight even though I have been lying here for hours. The TV is on, it's never off,but I couldn't tell you anything it's images or sounds emitted. What's in my mind doesn't keep me awake. What's going to happen tomorrow I am not concerned about because like everyone else, I have no control of that. I do know that my mind won't let me forget things I want to forget. I know that even when I try, I cannot seem to fit in. I don't know why, I just know I can't. I don't mean to, but I shut people out and shut them down if they try to get in. I know they aren't judging me, because I've done nothing to be judged for as far as they know. I know that I judge myself and rather harshly. Not so much for something I have done, but for the things I am unable to do now. My thoughts do get twisted and I often twist reality into chaos. This bothers me, because I am smart enough to know that I am a normal person who should be thankful for my wife, kids,family and all the other “Good”things in my life, yet I sit here in a state of pity...shrunken inside....displaced in society. I don't know why! I suppose this is my attempt to explain or even justify why I am doing this. I know it seems selfish because I am doing this to escape the pains and confusion. Ironically, the ones I love and leave, I leave in pain and confusion. There is no one to fault, nor is there any one reason. If there were then I would not do this. May God have mercy on me and forgive me for all I have done, and am doing now. May God give those in my life a sense of understanding that this is for the best for all concerned.

This my last words......A Veteran, a Son, a Father, a Husband, a Friend

Thursday, November 13, 2014

UNITED WE STAND.. For how long?

United States! Two words that are supposed to define not what we are, but who we are. A group of people "UNITED" to form a state or States. In the beginning, that was a steadfast statement, but through the years of subtle discontent, many increases of population and actual states, as well as the revolutions, whether man induced or industrial, even technological, "We The People" have lost track of the simplest of these words, united. In doing so we have created our own worst nightmare. I will try to simplify how I think this has come to be. First, we know through the years that government has had its ups and downs. They have divided and segmented themselves to represent what they believe are what "their" people want or need. Now there is nothing wrong with that, but, you have 2 or 3 government sides, and the people over time have became too many groups within themselves. This leaves the politician with a situation where he can no longer please everyone in his group or Party as it may be. Now these parties over time, although they have much the same beliefs, have became diverse with different races, religions, nationalities, and yes even sexes, which make it even more difficult to remain united within any one given area, much less across an area as populated as a state. I hope that part was broken down to where you understand what I am trying to lead up to. Secondly, as we, the United States of America, has become what we are, we have also taken on a roll as a leader of Nations. Now I am not going to get into the divisions there, but assuming you have watched the news lately, you know what kind of screwed up mess the world is in and about how well we fit into that picture when it comes to the United Nations! So, let's move on. Last but definitely not least is United, as it pertains to we, as in "we the people". This could have been first, but the context just seems better if it is last. We, the people who make up the United States, years ago had simpler lives, simpler needs, and much simpler decisions. A man who supported his family needed to do 3 simple things. He needed to provide food and shelter, he needed to protect his family, and present himself as the proper roll model for his children and theirs!  Over the years the family as a whole has become devided within itself.  Parents having to work and devote so much time into so many different functions which the family chooses to participate in.  Plus, with technology and societle pressures, every member of the family becomes individualized, seperating them from each other, physically ,emotionally, and even morally!  While core issues and maralities such as honor, trust, and respect are taught, they aren't emphasised as they were in previous generations.  Without the constant emphasis there tends to be a lack of interest in these.  When you have a lack of interest, and little emphasis, there within lies the core issue which begins this era of division.  Families don't spend time together like they used to.  Children get locked into social pressures which they shouldn't, and from this we have created our own segrigation of family values.  If children aren't raised in that type of structure, how can they go out into society and continue or teach it.  Simply said, if we as families can't create an enviornment of unity within 3, 4, or 5, then we are doomed if we expect anything other than segrigation within segrigation.  We won't be able to have a large enough people with the same beliefs to elect anyone for any cause.

"WE THE PEOPLE" need to start getting our families back to the core standard of values,emphasise those values, and assure that our children, the children we are fighting to save this world for, understand the importance of these core values!

Please leave any comments below!  I am always interested in other peoples opinions. Thank you and God Bless!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Child Needs To Know

 A Child Needs To Know

 Daddy, what is a veteran?
 And why do they have their own day?
 Son, a veteran is a soldier,
 Who fights so you can play.

 They are a special kind of person,
 Ones we owe more than we could ever pay.
 God gave America our soldiers,
 To protect our right to pray!

 They are brave in any battle,
 So we can sleep safe every night.
 They are proud and courageous,
 The warrior who fights our fight!

 Some are old, some are young, 
Women, men, every race,every creed.
 Son, if you see a veteran,
 You're looking at a special breed!

 No, they don't care who we are.
 They don't need to ever ask why.
 Because those we call a veteran,
 Swore to God, for us he or she would die!

 Charles “Chaz” Cecil
 Veteran, 82nd & 101st Abn. Div. 80-87

Saturday, November 8, 2014


I am a veteran! I still use starch,spit shine shoes, and I haven't thrown down a cigarette butt since January of 1980. I served in the 2/504th Inf.82nd Abn. Div. and 2/502nd Inf. 101st Abn. Div. Unlike a lot of veterans I am fortunate enough to have a somewhat descent life. Each and every Veteran I have ever served with or known is different in many ways. Different race,heritage,dialect,and yes even sexual preference! But, like 95% of veterans, I call every one of them my Brothers. I know their names but do not feel the need to use it. I do not know where all of them have been, who they served with or when. I don't know if they were Infantry, or medics, or motor pool. It never seems to matter. They are still my brothers. And yes, for the females, they are my sisters. I don't care about the rank or how long they were in. I personally do have a hard time dealing with those that got out on a bad discharge if it was something to do with disgracing the uniform or the oath we swore to our country. I have been married 5 times, and I would be hard pressed to say I would die for any of them, but, I would not hesitate to put my life on the line for any man or woman who is a veteran (whether I know them or not) Yes it is a honor to die for them, because I know that they honor me by taking an oath to defend me, my family, my country, and my flag, with no prejudice, or hesitation, when they signed on the line to become a US Soldier and die for me should that time come. So, On this Veterans day, and any other day for that matter, if you hear "Brother" come out of a veterans mouth, and hear them slap each others back in a hug, know that they are special! They have a pride that is deep within, they have a commitment most will never know. They are proud without vanity and they are Brothers and Sisters who with a simple signature and an oath, carry the responsibility of dieing for you and our country without question! TO ALL OF MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN ALL BRANCHES OF THE US MILITARY I THANK YOU AND WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE APPRECIATED AND HONORED! I SALUTE YOU ONE AND ALL!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Unemployment,Employment, and Whats not Discussed

Unemployment stats are so misleading!  And actually, there are so many factors that it confuses even the most intelligent.  Most people do not know who are part of or not part of the statistics.  To me, I do not care about the statistics, I am only concerned about the amount of people of "ALL" races and backgrounds that are out here in the USA who are stuck in situations that they should never be in.  Before I get started, let me state, I know there are some folks out there that will abuse any part of the system and try to slide by.  That's for another discussion and day!

First, lets point out a couple examples of those who are unemployed and why.

  1. Joe is a 42 year old man who lives in a small town of 4500 and has been there all of his life as was his family for 3 generations!  He worked at a factory which hired him fresh out of high school because his dad spoke up for him.  He had worked there for 24 years climbing the ladder of success as he knew it.  He made line supervisor a few years ago.  His company, after years of struggling, closed down due to many factors which he had no control over.  Now he is without work in an area where most of the population is tied to this factory.  Luckily his family values caused him to pay his mortgage on time and his home is payed for.  His wife has taken a local waitress job so things won't fall behind while Joe looks for work and draws his unemployment.  6 months pass, unemployment is not enough to help much, and his wife makes near to nothing because the towns people aren't working so they don't eat out!  They take a second Mortgage at the local bank to get by.  12 months pass and no work, wife is laid off, and second mortgage is pressing their budget.  No new company is opening the factory and people in the surrounding counties are getting laid off.  18 months have passed, no more unemployment, house is foreclosed, and Joe and wife have lost all sense of pride as they relocate to live with one of their kids in the neighboring state.  Joe is no longer in the system
  2. Dee is 23 years old and lives in a small metropolitan city.  She has just graduated from college with a degree in Teaching.  Her search for work is limited due to excess of teachers in the area and seasonal hiring.  Dee takes a waitress job and waits for her degree and many resumes to pay off.  Well, restaurants come and go so Dee works a few months here and a couple there.  Then she hits a dry spell where there is no work.  She goes to get assistance with unemployment but has not worked enough to draw anything, and there are no jobs available which she is not "Over-qualified for" Her student loans are behind and she is "NOT IN THE SYSTEM"
Now these are real situation which show how that many people who are unemployed are not in the system, and, how it affects our society and its citizens!  If you like this Blog, please share it and I welcome all comments!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Veterans Hospitals and Policies

Veterans and The VA hospitals have been at odds for years,it is just now that more publicity is given to the problem.  Politicians would have you believe that they are working on the problem, and, truth be known they are.  The underlying problem to that is they do not have the direct ability to fix it. They can push and prod and maybe even stick there nose in it (Usually for a photo opportunity) but other than Pushing their weight around they are not able to do much.  The problems we veterans are having actually can be easily fixed by getting the VA Administration to pin point the specific personnel for the specific problem.  After doing this, close monitoring of this situation should assure that the problem is fixed.  Now, I know that this is kind of over simplifying but the examples below should show just how this could work with the correct procedures, and if the procedures are implemented this way...there will be no problems.

Example one :

A veteran is new to the area and registers with the hospital as required.  Upon doing so he/she is assigned a doctor.  At this time the veteran should be sent to the Blood work area for a full work-up and urinalysis.  During this time the input administrator should set the first scheduled appointment with the veterans Doctor or Team( assuring that it is within 2 weeks) Before the veteran leaves he should be given this appointment, know his doctors name or Team, have all contacts w/ numbers and be prepared to show up for his appointment.  The intake should also assure that any medication needs, or immediate health issues are addressed by a physician before the veteran leaves the facility(Using the on-call emergency Doctor if needed)

  • Sign in administrator should be able to handle and be responsible for all the actions here so there is no confusion, and the Blood work section should have one team for new intakes so there are no time delays, as well as having a standard work up for "ALL" patients which they do.
  • Doctors/Teams should have 2 days every week which is reserved for only new patients. If more are needed then make adjustments.
  • Immediate care and Medications are very important at intake.  This is a major concern with veterans because there are many issues in this area.  It should be stressed that this be addressed with urgency.
Example two:

A veteran has seen his Team and his initial appointment is completed.  During this visit the doctor determines a need for a MRI to properly treat the veteran.  At this time (before the veteran is discharged from visit) Veteran should be sent to MRI as a walk-in, and a follow-up appointment to review the MRI should be scheduled by the Doctor/Team. within 2-3 weeks.  Again, any meds or special needs should be addressed and resolved at this time.

  • Doctor should have reviewed patients records eliminating wasted time and assuring the veteran gets a quality visit.
  • MRI's and x-rays should never be put off.  They are not time consuming and even walk-ins shouldn't take up more than an hour for an MRI.
  • Teams should always keep schedules with openings 1 to 2 weeks out for patients who have spinal injuries, loss of limb, or any other major illness which dictates continues care
These are only a couple of examples but, you can see that with proper management even a busy work-load of patients should be able to receive proper and time appropriate care.  Please comment with any cases you may know of or experiences you may have with the VA Hospital and I will evaluate and give a corrective action.  I plan to present some case studies to a VA Director for review.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Things To Be Done

The GOP has control!  As a Republican I am elated. That been said, these men and women whom we have voted into office are now our employees.  Yes,they work for us which makes us the upper management of a rather large corporation called the United States.  As with any business whatever the employees do, or do not do is a reflection on the management.  Now that I have set the environment and structure it is time to establish our goals,set a plan of action,and assign responsibilities!

First, get our economy on track.  There are a few things that need to be done.  First, Clarify the unemployment situation.  Yes, over the past few years unemployment has fallen.  What is missing in this context when we discuss unemployment is that the jobs that have been created and filled are mostly in the Tech,Medical,and Management sectors. While that is good, we seem to keep forgetting about the untrained,under-educated worker who has rode out his unemployment wages, and has fallen in a rut of circumstance.  This rut is like a black hole that keep sucking one in.  It starts with being laid off from a job you have been working for years at just a little above min. wage.  You are not skilled at any other jobs so you don't qualify for many other openings.  Unemployment isn't enough to keep up the bills.  Now the decisions start.  Cut backs at home.  Car, Home, Utilities,food.  Forget the insurance (I know...OBAMA CARE)  Car breaks down, behind on rent,wife leaves (Now child support) You can see the problem.  The FIX!  Take this citizen and re-educate,Train, and re-introduce him/her into the workforce.  Yes, the government foots the bill for this, and gives him money while he is re-organizing his life over a 6-12 month period.  This is better than paying him a little bit of unemployment for 2 years.  AND, if all goes as planned, the new factories,industries that the state has attracted to the area will have well trained employees to hire!

You can see where I am going with this I hope.  I will go further into details on my next chapter!  Thank you for reading and please come back to read more.  Don't forget to share on FB and Twitter!