The GOP has control! As a Republican I am elated. That been said, these men and women whom we have voted into office are now our employees. Yes,they work for us which makes us the upper management of a rather large corporation called the United States. As with any business whatever the employees do, or do not do is a reflection on the management. Now that I have set the environment and structure it is time to establish our goals,set a plan of action,and assign responsibilities!
First, get our economy on track. There are a few things that need to be done. First, Clarify the unemployment situation. Yes, over the past few years unemployment has fallen. What is missing in this context when we discuss unemployment is that the jobs that have been created and filled are mostly in the Tech,Medical,and Management sectors. While that is good, we seem to keep forgetting about the untrained,under-educated worker who has rode out his unemployment wages, and has fallen in a rut of circumstance. This rut is like a black hole that keep sucking one in. It starts with being laid off from a job you have been working for years at just a little above min. wage. You are not skilled at any other jobs so you don't qualify for many other openings. Unemployment isn't enough to keep up the bills. Now the decisions start. Cut backs at home. Car, Home, Utilities,food. Forget the insurance (I know...OBAMA CARE) Car breaks down, behind on rent,wife leaves (Now child support) You can see the problem. The FIX! Take this citizen and re-educate,Train, and re-introduce him/her into the workforce. Yes, the government foots the bill for this, and gives him money while he is re-organizing his life over a 6-12 month period. This is better than paying him a little bit of unemployment for 2 years. AND, if all goes as planned, the new factories,industries that the state has attracted to the area will have well trained employees to hire!
You can see where I am going with this I hope. I will go further into details on my next chapter! Thank you for reading and please come back to read more. Don't forget to share on FB and Twitter!
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