Sunday, November 23, 2014

Believe & You can

 I believe that you control your future.  Yes, there are factors that are to be considered, but if you go into an instance prepared, you can overcome outside factors.  Not to say that you will not ever will.  If you never fail, you rarely try.  perseverance is key to anyone's future, and this you and "only" you can control that!
I believe that there are no boundaries in life.  You are only limited within your own mind.  Should you decide to climb Mt. Everest, you can.  If you decided to create a new mode of transportation, you can.  Now I am not saying, that these things can just "Be Done"!  You have to do what it takes to get there.  If you need to be trained, then so be it, train.  If you need to know how to work out logarithms, then you will have to learn how to do so.  It all depends upon what you are willing to do to achieve your goal.  Your success is measured by your preparation and knowledge, as well as your will to succeed!
I believe you can do nothing alone.  There is not a single soul living or dead, that can say they have ever done anything alone.  Whether in your mind, heart, or physically, there is "someone" there beside you.  We are all inspired by or influenced by someone no matter what we are doing.  I depend upon GOD to get me through everything.  And, I usually have memories of others there to help push me through to the end as well.  Point is, I nor anyone else is ever alone 100%.
I believe in Love.  In its purist form I do believe in love.  I also believe that love is so abused.  TOO MANY PEOPLE use "I Love You" to easily in day to day life.  To say I love you is to say that you are a person I would die for, as Jesus loved us and so gave his life in that.  Love that God had for us by giving his only sons life up for "US".  When I tell my wife I love her, I am telling her that I will die before I will let any harm come to her, as will I do for "Anyone" I tell that I love them.  That being said,  I will "NOT" tell anyone I love them if I don't.  To extend on that,  I also believe that "Love" can be worn away.  It can fade, as any other feeling, such as misery, pain, happiness, or sadness.  Maybe not as quickly as other "emotions", but it can and does happen.
These are a few of the things I believe in, and in closing I would like to say that yes, I believe in GOD.  Take that as you will.  I do "NOT" wish to debate with "ANYONE" on this issue on the blogs.  Thank you for reading,I hope you enjoyed this, and enjoy my other blogs as well!

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