United States! Two words that are supposed to define not what we are, but who we are. A group of people "UNITED" to form a state or States. In the beginning, that was a steadfast statement, but through the years of subtle discontent, many increases of population and actual states, as well as the revolutions, whether man induced or industrial, even technological, "We The People" have lost track of the simplest of these words, united. In doing so we have created our own worst nightmare. I will try to simplify how I think this has come to be.
First, we know through the years that government has had its ups and downs. They have divided and segmented themselves to represent what they believe are what "their" people want or need. Now there is nothing wrong with that, but, you have 2 or 3 government sides, and the people over time have became too many groups within themselves. This leaves the politician with a situation where he can no longer please everyone in his group or Party as it may be. Now these parties over time, although they have much the same beliefs, have became diverse with different races, religions, nationalities, and yes even sexes, which make it even more difficult to remain united within any one given area, much less across an area as populated as a state. I hope that part was broken down to where you understand what I am trying to lead up to.
Secondly, as we, the United States of America, has become what we are, we have also taken on a roll as a leader of Nations. Now I am not going to get into the divisions there, but assuming you have watched the news lately, you know what kind of screwed up mess the world is in and about how well we fit into that picture when it comes to the United Nations! So, let's move on.
Last but definitely not least is United, as it pertains to we, as in "we the people". This could have been first, but the context just seems better if it is last. We, the people who make up the United States, years ago had simpler lives, simpler needs, and much simpler decisions. A man who supported his family needed to do 3 simple things. He needed to provide food and shelter, he needed to protect his family, and present himself as the proper roll model for his children and theirs! Over the years the family as a whole has become devided within itself. Parents having to work and devote so much time into so many different functions which the family chooses to participate in. Plus, with technology and societle pressures, every member of the family becomes individualized, seperating them from each other, physically ,emotionally, and even morally! While core issues and maralities such as honor, trust, and respect are taught, they aren't emphasised as they were in previous generations. Without the constant emphasis there tends to be a lack of interest in these. When you have a lack of interest, and little emphasis, there within lies the core issue which begins this era of division. Families don't spend time together like they used to. Children get locked into social pressures which they shouldn't, and from this we have created our own segrigation of family values. If children aren't raised in that type of structure, how can they go out into society and continue or teach it. Simply said, if we as families can't create an enviornment of unity within 3, 4, or 5, then we are doomed if we expect anything other than segrigation within segrigation. We won't be able to have a large enough people with the same beliefs to elect anyone for any cause.
"WE THE PEOPLE" need to start getting our families back to the core standard of values,emphasise those values, and assure that our children, the children we are fighting to save this world for, understand the importance of these core values!
Please leave any comments below! I am always interested in other peoples opinions. Thank you and God Bless!
As the auther, I welcome any comments! I am not a writer, I ama concerned citizen who uses this as a voice for others! Thank you for reading, and please share!