Answer me these; Have you ever felt like whatever you were doing in life was a useless battle which you really didn't feel like fighting? Have you ever woke up and wondered why you didn't die? Have you got into your car and couldn't deal with facing your family who wait for you at home? Did you ever wake up from a dream, only to realize that what you woke up to was the nightmare you were dreaming about? Did you ever look at your child as they sat across from you at the table and felt that you were such a disappointment to them that you couldn't look them in the eye to tell them you loved them?
Well, after be homeless a few times and talking with the homeless around me, I have found that these were the thoughts that preceded the spiraling downfall leading to their homelessness. Hidden in these "questions" lay a path of disturbing consequences. Now these were only a few statements which depicted the thoughts and sometimes fears of people who were at sometime productive individuals in society. Some you may even consider upstanding beyond reproach! There were even heroes!
Now I am no psychologist or Behavior study major, so I cannot give you clinical answers. But, if you look into these questions, you can begin to see how or why this started. For instance, waking up feeling like you were in a battle with life, you are more than likely in or headed to a state of depression. Depression starts and snowballs to withdrawal from others, then inner shame,seclusion, and eventually one runs and hides. They subconsciously choose to be homeless. It allows them to feel like they are administering a punishment that they so deserve, thus causing a viscous circle of personal disparagement.
Take a veteran with PTSD, who has a family that he loves and they love him. He, always being the provider, and guardian of his family, is now incapable of providing these securities a father provides. He is afraid to go to sleep for fear of who he may harm during a nightmare he know could become reality, all the while he has no control, whether he is awake or asleep. He has tried the therapy, and the drugs! His reality is that he is no longer the man, the father, that they knew and although they love him, inside they fear what he could do without even knowing it! So, his choice for everyones best interest is for him to leave and live alone in a world where at least if he does do something to someone, it won't be someone he loves. Not only is this veteran a danger to himself or others, but his condition will only get worse without structure and attention.
From this I think you get the picture of where I am going with this. Homelessness is a "condition" which is a result of either other conditions, or a driving force of overwhelming situations which cause an individual to feel like there are no options and there mental condition at the time leaves them with the thought of self deprivation and self punishment which leaves homelessness the consequence of the situation. Maybe after reading the first paragraph, you will understand at least how in ones mind the beginnings of how some feel before they take a step to run into homelessness. If you get it, then please share with someone else so they may learn. If you don't, please leave your questions in the comment section and I will try to answer it or get the answer! Thank you for reading my blog, May God Bless!
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