Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My Heroes

For the sake of making this short and to the point, I am going to assume anyone reading this will/can look up the definition of #HERO. I don't need a definition to make me realize that there are so many hero's out there in the world that we could never get the “Thank You” notes sent out before there would be that many again, or more!

My heroes are not only the man who caught a falling baby at a house fire, or the guy who pushed someone out of the way and got ran over. My heart goes out to them. No, My heroes are kind of the #unsung heroes. Here are a few to make my point.

The woman/man who stays late 6 out of 7 days, working with no overtime or bonus pay, making sure that a little girl or boy is taken out of a home where she or he is being abused, and not stopping until it is done, regardless or the #Red-tape or headaches.

The guy/gal who works a job 40 to 50 hours a week, raises kids alone, but still makes sure that not only he/she volunteers to take coffee,soup, and blankets or coats out to homeless people every evening, while making sure his kids help and learn that #helpingothers is more important than chatting on facebook or texting about the cute kid in class this week!

The single #nurse that works 60 hours a week in the trauma unit, but hasn't had a date in over a year because she volunteers at a local #veterans outreach to help #veterans cope with #PTSD even though she too suffers from the same condition herself after years of seeing beat up and bloody victims of terrible crimes in her city.

The 65 year old teacher whose husband passed away last year and she decided to start a program for under-privileged children which she spends 60 hours a week tutoring as a #Mentor with no pay in her own home!

The guy who lost his wife in Afghanistan, who takes his kids around and visits with wounded and paraplegic soldiers, assisting them with getting proper treatment and care along with assisting them do whatever it takes to get their disability paperwork and benefits taken care of!

Yes, there are many #HEROES out there, but most of us walk around them not even knowing who they are or what they do! Just be glad these Heroes aren't waiting for recognition because if they were, our world would be such a miserable and pathetic place to live in.

#Thankyou #MyHeroes for #MakingTheWorldABetterPlaceToLiveIn !

Monday, December 22, 2014


#AllLivesMatter ! A simple phrase that if we,everyone, take head to this and concentrate on this single phrase, we can change the world. Is it going to happen overnight? NO! When to build a home, you have to dig a hole to start the foundation. Continually doing the same digging in a pattern until a ditch is formed for the foundation. Next is Concrete for the foundation. You have to have re-bar in the concrete to help the concrete hold together and strengthen it. Once those things are done, the foundation will hold what is built on it. The stronger the foundation, the better the home will be and the longer it will last. No, this isn't a class on building a home. But, what you willl see is how this applies to #AllLivesMatter.

If we as a society pick and choose what we each believe in and want to support it is a good thing. There are #BlackLivesMatter , #CopsLivesMatter , #ChildrensLivesMatter . And if we choose one of them then we start dividing ourselves. Once the division starts, that is when you start having opinions and beleifs which start differences. Once differences come into play you are opening up for argument, and eventually that explodes into full blown fighting. Lets put this into prospective as a foundation. If #AllLivesMatter then we need to start that foundation. Taking all the other #LivesMatters and combining them would make a good foundation. Each digging for the soul purpose of making one single foundation with each of the other groups each being the footer and the re-bar. If we come together it works as one solid foundation. Apart, we only have foundations for rooms. Now, I don't know about you, but I have never went to buy a ROOM! I want a HOUSE! Yes, I know we can build a room, but a house will be more appealing, and get more attention. We do need each of the beliefs that our individual cause is important---that is our re-bar. Coming together is the concrete in the footer. Now e have a foundation on which we can launch construction of any type building we want, or in this case, any cause, being #AllLivesMatter.

So, that explained, it is easier to understand that if we focus on #AllLivesMatter, and we do it together in all instances, we can and will get a lot more accomplished. If I as a Caucasian run up to a black ma and say #Whitelives matter! I am inviting confrontation. If I approach the same black man and say #AllLivesMatter, it takes the confrontation off of the table. He cannot argue that. So when any race, creed religion, or occupation gets harmed we have a foundation to stand on no matter what the situation and we have 5 times more people strengthening that cause. It is that simple. We will as a society have to put our own individual beliefs aside for the greater good, but isn't that the goal!.... Please think about it and please pass this on to someone, anyone and let's all make sure that #AllLivesMatter!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Room

This room whether large or whether small, is the same either way as long as there is only I who sits within its walls.  Yes when alone not much matters either way.  If no one else sits here beside me, there is no one to hear a word I say.  Alone, one,single, only one here,only one there.  Private is another word to describe,that there is not another to care.  Woe is me, would be a cry of lonely to be paired.  Woe is me for fear life will never be shared.  Yes one, single, alone  is sad when put as me without another. I suppose  alive but alone, is better than one whose living is over.



The subject of #Racism is all over the US of A! People are confusing profiling with racism and actually combining it to fit there need while exploiting certain situations. I am going to use examples to show/prove my point.

Example 1

A 16 year old African American walks into a brand name clothing store. Clerk observes him as he walks in. He has an over-sized jacket on over a hoodie, w/very baggy jeans hanging way off of his waist, Timberland work boots, and a Lakers ball cap w/the tag hanging off the back. The clerk watches him carefully to make sure that he doesn't shoplift, following him throughout the duration of his being on premises. Now this could be stressed as a racial profiling, but, in the retail stores, “ANYONE” dressed in over-sized clothing is going to be watched because it is hard to detect if they have shoplifted. Someone could exaggerate this incident into racial profiling but it isn't.

Example 2

OK, lets assume the clerk is white and the clothing wasn't as baggy but still had the “Hip-Hop” thug style. She still follows him around till he leaves. Now anyone could spin this off as racial profiling because the clerk is white. But no! Yes it is profiling, but it is not “Racial” profiling. She is profiling him as a risk because of “Stereo-typing”which in her mind (and usually managers stress to look for this) shows an above average number of African Americans dressed like this are more likely to commit a crime. Now as wrong as this is, it is only personified because of the constant portrayal of African American youths in videos and movies dressed like this and committing these crimes. The Irony of this scenario is that the youths that are acting out these rolls in videos or movies are doing so usually under the production and writing of African American producers and writers.

In both of these examples one could assume and even scream out that the clerk is racist. But in reality, it is not so in the majority of cases. And it should also be pointed out that should anyone challenge these scenarios, there is a good chance that they themselves are racist. I only say that because they are not being open minded enough to see the clerks and managements point of view. And if an individual is so one sided in these matters... Yes, they have racist agendas, and when those agendas come out then you have uprising which will more often than not become violent!

Hopefully some of you will read this and understand what this white man is trying to point out. I am not racist and yes if you wish to you can challenge it. I do not care to argue the point any further than to state that I am not! As far as the incidents which caused all of the rioting, I am going to leave each to their own opinion. My only wish is that someone will rad this and one day will look back and see the differences from Profiling, Stereo typing, Racial Profiling, and simply being a damned Racist person.

In closing... I wish no man/woman, regardless of race, religion, creed, or sexual preference, any harm or ill will. I believe we are all human being with our own hearts and minds which make us each and every one a unique and special person with something to offer this world besides bigotry and hatred!

Charles Chaz Cecil


Friday, December 12, 2014

Logistics For Veteran Border Patrol

I have posted a petition to place #Veterans and #HomelessVeterans who are out of work, on the US / Mexico border. In doing so I am trying to put some vision as to how we can accomplish this mission for the good of all concerned.  Of course, we would need the surplus of Temp housing,Weapons,and Uniforms from Armed Forces.

Strategically one has to consider that the border is 1986 miles long.  If you place a guard shack every 10 miles with 6 men per shift and use a 8 hr shift you would need approx. 7600 guards and 3800 secondary guards for off time and weekend shifts.  Weapons could be anything from Rubber bullets, tazers, flash grenades, etc.  Real Ammunition would be necessary because of Drug traffickers and human Traffickers, but alternatives used for simple Alien crossing.  Guard shacks should have well armed guard 2 per shift, and 2 guards covering a 2 1/2 mile strip to each side of the shacks.   All should be equipped w/ night vision goggles and scopes. Towers should have heavy equipped communications and walking/ATV guards should have wireless commo.  The guard shacks should also have an ATV or Motorcycle in case of need for immediate reinforcement/backup.

Border Patrol can and should be traveling at pre-determined intervals to monitor any incidents or problems.  US Border Patrol will also be responsible for initial as well as continual ongoing training of patrol troops.

Support personnel should also be in place for water, food and medical.  A Medical tent, as well as a Mess tent should be placed every 100 miles splitting the coverage according to terrain and logistics. you would need 8 Mess personnel and 5 Medical personnel with 1 full size vehicle Appropriately equipped.

Please wait for further updates as more research is done!

Informational Links :

Friday, December 5, 2014

A Different Christmas Wish

It is almost Christmas! For most, it is a time for family, friends, and food. It is a time for people to go shopping and fight traffic, come home and complain....then wrap presents and reminisce about the Christmases past. It's a time to build memories with your children, decorate your family tree, and untangle 600 ft. of Christmas lights. It is a time where even the complaining is part of the good stuff that we love to hate about Christmas.

The sad but oh so true part is that while you are enjoying the good and bad of Christmas, there are millions of people here in the United States that wish it wasn't even a holiday. To them it is just a reminder of what they don't have. It reminds them that they aren't able to buy their children anything. It reminds some that they have no one to share it with anymore. It brings back memories of when they had a home where their children would wake up to presents under a tree and stockings with candy. To some it reminds them of when they were off in another country and shared memories with their buddies, Buddies that never made it back.

So! While you are sitting at home thinking of the past or present Christmases. While you are out buying decorations or presents. When you gaze at your Christmas tree and your kids. PLEASE! I beg of you as a human, stop and give a prayer for those who need a prayer (You don't have to be religious...The prayer is for someone else) Stop and buy a gift for someone who will not get a gift if you don't! Call a Church, a Charity, a Veteran organization, and ask what you can do to help during the holidays. If you have children, please make them a part of it too! Pass the good around. Again, I am BEGGING you to do one simple act of Christmas generosity for someone, anyone. If you are single and have nothing to do...Visit a hospital, a VA hospital, or a Nursing home. They would love it and it may be their last Christmas memory! Wouldn't that be nice!

I hope you read this. If you have read this far, I wish you and yours a very Blessed Christmas. May God watch over you and those you know! Thank you


OK...They don't come right out and lie. But omission is a lie and they omit particulars when it comes to their complexity. They are proud that men think they are complex. Not really so. They think in a complex manner so we can't quite figure them out. Women are actually not complex at all, actually the opposite is true. Yes, some are a little more stubborn than others, and some are more fickle than others. Reality is, they are only different in appearance and all of them have the same simply basic desires. That is what this article is about. Women and their basic desires!

In today society, unlike years ago, women are taught to be strong, independent, and self sufficient. And that is great. I agree that all women should strive for that. It isn't part of the lie. That is a fact that everyone will have to accept from now till forever! For the most part though, while they strive for that, they want the attention sometimes that vulnerability gives them. That is mans fault. We want them to be vulnerable so we can be their “Hero”. It is mans ego that shares fault in this scenario. And without realizing it sometimes women allow that. They, women, also want the man to be the “MAN” and know if they are too independent or strong, and the man sees that, he may be intimidated. Again, they allow this, but it is mans ego that defines this rule so to speak.
Since we are on the intimidation subject, let's discuss how intimidating women can be by simply not saying a word. This is one of the bigger parts of the lie! When an argument arises and the woman, whether right or wrong, will put her point out there and if the advantage isn't quite the way she wishes, she will go silent! This is one time that the man does not want the last word. A woman in silence is torture to a man. We are a species which has to have closure on any debate. No closure leaves later room for doubt. Again, thanks to mans ego, this cannot be! How is this part of the lie one may ask? Well, strong and opinionated, does not walk away silent. But as many women know, if they do so then they have indeed won the battle so to speak.

Women want us to acknowledge that they are smarter than man. They spend half their lives being at the top of the class, achieving awards, and winning ribbons on anything academic. Yet when something goes wrong with the car they act like idiots and we fall for it! . They know but its to their advantage to not know. That along with a million other day to day actions and decisions. Women know how to manipulate us regardless of what they do or don't do, and they know it.

Here is the ironic part of it all. Men know these things, and by instinct, let women use them, lie to them and mislead them. Our egos as mentioned before in this article, are our own worst enemies as men. Then there is the one thing that has us doing literally anything for a woman or her love. It is mans sexual organ and it's desire for constant attention. With the ego and the sexual organ, man is at a dire disadvantage when it comes to women.

I am sure I will come up with more to ad to this article, but for now I am going to leave it here and wait for all the females to dispute me. Please leave any comments you may wish to leave!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Our Kids-Our Fault!

My name is Chaz! Some that have known me since school know me by Jeff. Please be patient with this story. I am putting some bio in this so the actual story will make since. Bear with me and I promise this will be worth the read!
I was raised in Fries, a cotton mill town in southwestern Virginia. Raised by my grandma and grandpa while mama worked 3rd shift in that cotton mill for $2.35 and hour. Now we didn't have a lot, but we had all we needed to be happy and thankful for what we did have. I was raised to earn what I had in one way or another. At home we had chores, like getting in firewood, mowing the lawn, hoeing the garden, and so on. If I wanted something special like a pair of “RED” Chuck Taylor All Star Converse tennis shoes, well, I knew it was up to me to earn that money because the family didn't have money for those 'EXPENSIVE” shoes. Now they were only $13.00, but that may as well have been $200.00 to them. And chores didn't pay cash. You got respect and pride for doing your part around the house. So at 13 years old, I was lucky enough that the local shoeshine boy at the barber shop “Charlies” had to move one town over and quit. I needed shoes so I could play basketball at the Y and Charlie needed a shoeshine boy. Well, I did have enough money to buy the polish, dye and shoeshine rags, and with that and a handshake with Charlie, I started to work on the next Saturday morning. At 50 cent a shine and a few good tips, I had my shoes within a week. I took care of those shoes, played basketball, and kept that job for almost 2 years. I had a great thing going. I was actually making almost as much as my mom and I only worked 2 hours a weekday, and 9 hours on Saturdays! Mama worked 50 hours a week every week. It kept me honest, gave me pride, and I provided for me so the family wouldn't have to. I also earned the respect of a lot of people, which meant a lot as the years passed by.

Now, hopefully you are still reading this. In the communities today, there are few people that know their neighbors, few that know who runs the store a block over. Where I was Raised I know every store owner and they knew me....I was only a kid! Yes we went to church. We didn't always want to, but we didn't argue about it either. When an elderly person was approaching a doorway, we made an extended effort to open it for them. If a family needed, the friends and community helped to provide. Nobody turned around in a month and said “hey you owe me”! If an officer of the law approached us, we stopped what we were doing and did what he said in a 'Respectful manner”. If we did something wrong, not only the law did something about it, our parents did more. I know times are different now, but we actually carried “HIGH POWERED RIFLES” to school. We knew the rules of handling and respected what they were capable of doing. We hunted with them and “DID NOT KILL ANYONE” with them. The keys to us growing up like this wasn't because the times were different. It was because we were taught by our parents how to act in life. They didn't have to stop for an hour a day and sit down with us. They didn't have to send us to a class to learn anything other than or regular school classes. If we did something wrong we didn't and weren't able to, blame society or our parents. We saw our parents do what we were supposed to do. We had roll models! We had mentors! We had motivational speakers. They were all called “Our Parents”! We had a spiritual leader, our Preacher! We knew in our minds and our hearts when we were in a situation, what to do. I am not saying we were perfect. I got drunk at 14. I got into fights. But I didn't use any weapons except my fists! My Dad was a criminal and he taught me to stand up like a man, but not to be a coward and use a weapon on a person. I didn't have to be told that if I wanted those shoes I needed to work to get them. I also didn't have to be told that stealing them was wrong. It was in my raising. My morals and sense of humanity, that my family used every day, told me that anything I wanted in life I needed to earn it and I didn't ever expect to be rewarded for anything. I did expect the respect of those who were in my ring of family, friends, and acquaintances, when I achieved my goals, and I got it. But I will say, they demanded the same respect back, and I gave it! Now, I am not a really religious person, but, “EVERYTHING” I was taught or learned from observation, always went back to my families faith in God, and the teachings of the Bible. That is where all of our life lessons should come from. Now I am not saying that you change your religion, or even that you need to be religious! What I am saying, is that if we as parents and peers, roll models and mentors, use the Bibles of our religion as our laws of life. Our everyday standard, then we can change our society for the better. If we do this through leading by example. And take a little time to be with those that look up to us, then we a s a society will be, and continue to get, to be a better society for all. And no, I doesn't matter what bible you use. They all have basically the same messages. Be kind and compassionate. Be generous and unselfish. Be each day what you would want your children to be. I could go on, but if you haven't got the message by now, I would be wasting my efforts anyway!

Please take time to leave a comment below! I am interested in anything you have to say! Thank you for reading thi and hopefully my other blogs!