Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My Heroes

For the sake of making this short and to the point, I am going to assume anyone reading this will/can look up the definition of #HERO. I don't need a definition to make me realize that there are so many hero's out there in the world that we could never get the “Thank You” notes sent out before there would be that many again, or more!

My heroes are not only the man who caught a falling baby at a house fire, or the guy who pushed someone out of the way and got ran over. My heart goes out to them. No, My heroes are kind of the #unsung heroes. Here are a few to make my point.

The woman/man who stays late 6 out of 7 days, working with no overtime or bonus pay, making sure that a little girl or boy is taken out of a home where she or he is being abused, and not stopping until it is done, regardless or the #Red-tape or headaches.

The guy/gal who works a job 40 to 50 hours a week, raises kids alone, but still makes sure that not only he/she volunteers to take coffee,soup, and blankets or coats out to homeless people every evening, while making sure his kids help and learn that #helpingothers is more important than chatting on facebook or texting about the cute kid in class this week!

The single #nurse that works 60 hours a week in the trauma unit, but hasn't had a date in over a year because she volunteers at a local #veterans outreach to help #veterans cope with #PTSD even though she too suffers from the same condition herself after years of seeing beat up and bloody victims of terrible crimes in her city.

The 65 year old teacher whose husband passed away last year and she decided to start a program for under-privileged children which she spends 60 hours a week tutoring as a #Mentor with no pay in her own home!

The guy who lost his wife in Afghanistan, who takes his kids around and visits with wounded and paraplegic soldiers, assisting them with getting proper treatment and care along with assisting them do whatever it takes to get their disability paperwork and benefits taken care of!

Yes, there are many #HEROES out there, but most of us walk around them not even knowing who they are or what they do! Just be glad these Heroes aren't waiting for recognition because if they were, our world would be such a miserable and pathetic place to live in.

#Thankyou #MyHeroes for #MakingTheWorldABetterPlaceToLiveIn !

1 comment:

  1. Heroes are all around and most often silent. I'm grateful our world has more than most people realize.
    What a beautiful post. Thank you.
