Sunday, February 8, 2015


Do you believe in ghost? Well, whether you do or not they exist! And I think after reading this you will agree. Maybe not in the conventional “Casper” kinda way but they do!

I used to sleep in a bed that had a slated ceiling that was real close to my head as I slept, and the shadows that were cast through the windows at night on a full moon scared the heck out of me! It looked like a giant black ghost! I would would scream, mom would come turn on the light and comfort me, explain it and sooth me back to sleep. Imagination had a big part of the process, but, even what is in your imagination is real. We'll get into that a little later though.

A woman is raped by a man. I will spare the details because the act deserves no glorification of any kind. But This horrific act leaves a scar upon the memory of the victim of this crime, which bears its ugly image way to often. This image in many cases becomes a ghost to the victim. An image which appears to be very real, very vivid and all to often psychologically damaging, again, not Casper, but a ghost.

A 70 year old man has lived a full life watching his only son pass away, and only to loose loose his wife of 52 years to cancer. He listened to the doctors a few years back and quit smocking,drinking, and even stopped eating his favorite apple pie! But all of this only meant that now he was living a long healthy life alone. The only time he isn't alone is when he lays down at night and sits down the empty rocks glass which smelled of fine single malt. It would have allowed him to drift into a deep enough sleep that he could see her, touch her, smell her. So he could hear her whisper softly that she was waiting. Well, could could do all of this, but he could never take that drink, or drift off into that deep sleep, because of the voice he heard. It was her talking to him. She was the reason he stopped everything, and she was the reason he couldn't start back. The glass of single malt tempted him, but his love, her voice, and the ghost of her, kept him from doing anything he wasn't supposed to do.

Some would argue the point that these could be called demons, deceases, simple dreams or nightmares, or even ones conscience. They are ghost. Whether in general or personal. They are by definition GHOST! So I dare argue, as my dear grandmother used to say.. “My dear boy,Ghost do exist, and like anything else in life, you just can't let them scare you”!

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