Friday, October 20, 2017

TRUMP...So Far

Well....  It has been quite some time since I have written ANYTHING!  But with the rising controversy, constant political uprisings, and misrepresentations of the truth, I felt the need to at least express my 2 cents worth of truth.

First I want to state a few facts that I am basing my writings on.  Let me start with President Trumps accomplishments.

  • He’s canceled TPP (The Trans-Pacific Partnership) that would have caused more jobs to go overseas.
  • He met with Tech giants like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos along with many others all at once to discuss the future with them. Obama never did that.
  • He’s starting the wall along our border in March and appropriated funds for it.
  • He’s appropriated funds and signed into law funds to build up our military and take care of our vets. Our military is now at pre ww11 levels thanks to the cuts made by Obama and Obama fired many officers.
  • He’s started funds for the Keystone and Dakota pipeline and told them to buy only American steel for the pipeline.
  • He’s putting together a health care law that will be fair to everyone including buying across state lines and health care savings accounts among other factors that will be cost effective for everyone. Remember Obama said if you like your plan and doctor you can keep them? Five million people lost their plan and doctor under Obamacare and plans and doctors are dropping out of it. Also releasing buyers from having limited choices by In-State only companies, which are limiting competitive pricing, and increasing Insurance companies profits
  • He plans on lowering taxes by seven points for the middle class and lowering business taxes down to 15%. Hillary planned to raise taxes on small business up to 43% and raise the inheritance tax to 61%.  As well as structuring a new Tax Reform(Hate that phrase by the way!)
  • The stock market has been rallying like never before for over 20 days now because Trump got in office.
  • He’s convinced companies like Ford, Chrysler and Carrier Air Conditioners to manufacture and build plants over here and cease operations outside of US
These are just a few, as there are many we are NOT aware of.  He IS doing what he said, and doing a good job of it.  Also, I would like to remind people that through all of my searches, on Google and other search engines, I cannot find a single President who has dealt with the multitude of harassing (and my untrue) news articles.  

Also, if you recap the "Months" since Trump office;
  • Four Hurricanes devastating Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and more
  • Las Vegas Shooting which claimed the lives of 59 and wounded 24
Still, President Trump has remained calm, handled "ALL" situations with Tact, Diplomacy and Compassion.  He has insured that what has needed to be done has been, and with efficiency and speed.

I will be writing more, and hope that those who read this take time to ask questions or make comments.