Friday, December 5, 2014

A Different Christmas Wish

It is almost Christmas! For most, it is a time for family, friends, and food. It is a time for people to go shopping and fight traffic, come home and complain....then wrap presents and reminisce about the Christmases past. It's a time to build memories with your children, decorate your family tree, and untangle 600 ft. of Christmas lights. It is a time where even the complaining is part of the good stuff that we love to hate about Christmas.

The sad but oh so true part is that while you are enjoying the good and bad of Christmas, there are millions of people here in the United States that wish it wasn't even a holiday. To them it is just a reminder of what they don't have. It reminds them that they aren't able to buy their children anything. It reminds some that they have no one to share it with anymore. It brings back memories of when they had a home where their children would wake up to presents under a tree and stockings with candy. To some it reminds them of when they were off in another country and shared memories with their buddies, Buddies that never made it back.

So! While you are sitting at home thinking of the past or present Christmases. While you are out buying decorations or presents. When you gaze at your Christmas tree and your kids. PLEASE! I beg of you as a human, stop and give a prayer for those who need a prayer (You don't have to be religious...The prayer is for someone else) Stop and buy a gift for someone who will not get a gift if you don't! Call a Church, a Charity, a Veteran organization, and ask what you can do to help during the holidays. If you have children, please make them a part of it too! Pass the good around. Again, I am BEGGING you to do one simple act of Christmas generosity for someone, anyone. If you are single and have nothing to do...Visit a hospital, a VA hospital, or a Nursing home. They would love it and it may be their last Christmas memory! Wouldn't that be nice!

I hope you read this. If you have read this far, I wish you and yours a very Blessed Christmas. May God watch over you and those you know! Thank you

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