OK, for the few that have read my post (very few) over the years, I rant, offer suggestions and fixes, and ask for comments. I actually get very few comments. That of course may be a good thing. Anyway, this post is a general post about common folk like myself who have worked hard all thier life and struggle now and then. If any have managed to put away for retirement, or prepare for the later years, this will apply to you as well as those like myself who are "NOT" ready for whatever reason. So please take time to read and comment. I REALLY care about what others thing and actually appreciate another perspective. Just be nice! My granddaughters read this! (or at least they claim to lol)
I find myself at 55, and NOT where I wanted to be at this stage of my life. I did have a plan but an accident derailed that, and I am also guilty of carelessly living in the NOW rather than putting back for the future. After a few years of Physical Therapy, Doctors and a lot of determination. I decided to get started with plan #2... School, new job and retire at 65... that was in 2014. DID IT! MMI for Harleys. Ended up a machinist afterward (Not a Harley mechanic) but smarter, and earned a good job fair pay, good people, and benefits that were better than most. was there a year and a half.
That is where My RANT has to take over. I shall explain....
After over a year my back was giving me continuous problems, haunting me from past injuries, as well as hips, neck and shoulders. Doctors care was a necessary so I could work. Boss was lenient and allowed me to take whatever time for appoints with notice. There in begins the ultimate dilemma! The plant boss, recognised the regularity of visits to doctor and inquired as to my "AILMENT"? I explained honestly. 1st mistake but I was honest. He explained that after all is said and done, MY DOCTOR needed to sign a release stating that I was 100% medically and physically able to do all prescribed duties as per my job description as a machinist/mechanic. Well, needless to say, she would NOT! So I was presented with an ADA paper to sign and explained by both bosses that I was a liability and was being released until I had surgery or healed, and was cleared to do "ALL" my duties.
They have allowed Unemployment... it is under half and in Florida only lasts 13 weeks. Now they say I have to be ABLE to work, and were sceptical enough to review my claim. I explained I could accept a job provided I kept within a certain scope of work. I did not tell them I wasn't going to put under doctors care on applications either.
My rant is this HOW THE HELL CAN I LIVE ON $275.00 a week. My rent is $900! I am making a disability claim, but God know when that may or may not come through. Adding that if it does, In Florida, my SSDI would only be $1278.00 per month, and 2 years before medicaid kicks in. How the hell do I live then? AND I CAN WORK EVEN ODD JOBS LEGALLY!
The government I have served over the years (Veteran 8 years).... paid social security to for 42 years,.... as well as Taxes for 39 years, is leaving me to be homeless or at best in a bad living situation. I do NOT, nor does ANYONE else deserve to be put/left in this position. It is a damned shamed that there are not suitable monetary funds for Disabled, Elderly, etc.
I have questions for those reading....PLEASE ANSWER/comment
1. What can be done?
2. New programs?
3. How do we FINALLY get this LONG OVERDUE PROBLEM solved?
4. Can we, this generation (50 to 70 YO) do ANYTHING?
PLEASE take time to answer some of these questions in a comment, and then SHARE with a friend or two. I seriously want any input and promise I will get something or someone on it. I WILL get it looked at at least.
It's time to take a stand,YOUR NOT A LONE WOLF !