Friday, March 6, 2015

Mr. McDonald..YOU LIED

Mr. McDonald, what you did goes way beyond a lie! You have called it a “Misstatement” among other misleading phrases. Maybe you think that is what you did, but, giving a small amount of credit to your West Point education I have to deduce that you know differently. I will not waste time pointing out the obvious about definitions, but will explain a couple of things that even you will not take as a “misstatement”.

First, what you did was state to a veteran on national television that you were in “Special Forces”. That sir is not on your DD 214 so it is a lie. As of lately (Time of order) that is a punishable crime, “regardless” of what you call it. This law was enacted to protect the Honor and Integrity of those men and women who serve/served our great country. You belittled his unit by “misstating” about sharing an experience you never had. It is one thing to exaggerate an experience, but to completely fabricate is totally a step down in deceit.

Second, you stated that you were in the 82nd Airborne Division known as “Americas Guard of Honor”. While this unit is an elite fighting unit it is “NOT” Special Forces. You lied. Furthermore,as a West Point Graduate you would have been an officer in the 82nd which not only should discourage you from misrepresenting your past unit, but also places you in a position of the highest integrity, honor and commitment. I carry a “Challenge Coin” which bares the colors of the 82nd because I am a veteran of HHC 1st Brigade and 2/504th Infantry. I Still remember the proudest day of my life as a soldier when they pinned my wings on my chest, and I put on my maroon beret(At hat time they were the only ones who wore the maroon beret) The Integrity that was instilled in me by my peers as well as all in my chain of command taught me to “NEVER” dishonor my unit, my fellow soldiers,my Army or my country. By doing so showed disrespect to every veteran who ever stood before me and brought weakness to those who would follow me. By not being in Special Forces you brought dishonor to men of the 82nd. I ask of you to please at least attempt to restore some of that by claiming the wrong and righting it!

Third, as the Head of Veterans Affairs for the VA, as a veteran, as a former officer, not only should be held accountable, as anyone should, but, more so. You sir(And I hesitate using that because I have lost all respect for you) should be held to the highest of all standards and regulations. Lead by example is not just a bumper sticker to an 82nd or any other veteran, it is a part of our foundation as soldiers. How can anyone keep FAKE soldiers, or “Misstated” soldiers in line or prosecute them, if one of the highest men in the ranks of veterans is getting away with it? We would “NOT” accept an apology from anyone else, so I ask....

Mr. McDonald,why should you not accept responsibility and punishment for your careless and dishonorable actions? You did lie and were caught. I am not saying step down, but I am say that you cannot let yourself go unpunished.

I ask anyone who reads this to please re-post this, bring it to his attention,POTUS attention, and anyone else's attention who may get results! When it comes to HONOR and ITEGRITY there are no such things as small infractions. You either have them or you do not! I refuse to accept Mr. McDonald's apology and its empty gesture! If he can get away with it, there should be no need to prosecute any other person in the US.


  1. Very Well Said Charles. Thank you.

  2. Agreed...did you read my entire original tweet? I was slamming him and the entire administration for their lies...

  3. Yes I did! And Thank you! We need more people to speak out and demand that something be done rather than him simplifying it with a stupid statement not even acknowledging that it was even wrong!
