Saturday, August 10, 2019


Brotherhood! It's not just a word. It is an age old term used by those who were put together as strangers and weeks later that stranger was often all that stood between them and death. They had to trust each other so they could fight together without fear of the other being there when shit got to it's worse, trusting without question, doubt, or hesitation. Soldiers who trained side by side to fight, endure, survive, and conquer together to achieve victory. Their loyalty was earned by their actions, commitment,loyalty, and honor to their Country, and fellow soldiers. They had to depend on each other minute by minute, unselfishly assuring that not only did the mission get accomplished, but every man walked away at the end. If they saw the need, they would lay down their life so the other would live. To each other there were no hero's, only Brothers. That dedication was carried on and off the battlefield. It lasts' a lifetime, not just a battle. And no, you didn't have to be on the same battlefield, or even the same war, because it was a respect and honor given to each his own by the others that knew the hell that was there, the terror and mayhem each had experienced. And should they fight together in the future they knew that the loyalty of Brotherhood assured them of a personal unsaid trust so they could fight together without the worry of who they could trust. That Brotherhood is a bond that few will ever break, and none will ever forget. You live to fight another day because you have Brothers to fight with you, and they know you are there for them as well. Every soldier and Veteran will tell you the importance of Brotherhood as well as the honor it holds to be a part of it. They will also remind you of how strong and enduring a Brotherhood is.

All that said, Brotherhood is also referred to when motorcycle riders commit to being true “BIKERS” !
(The debate of that term will be reserved for a different blog!) It should not be any surprise that they share the Brotherhood title. Most early Motorcycle Clubs in the 40's, 50's, and 60's were soldiers who didn't adjust well, had no family, and just sought recognition, and rode bikes. Common past started the trust, and in time you earned it or you were basically banished from the club. This Brotherhood is as strong for many of the same reasons as the Soldiers. Bikers who label themselves BIKER depend on that Brotherhood as a means of survival. This brotherhood, like the military, is a bond. You earn your way in and live the lifestyle. Honor and loyalty to each other is expected and often demanded. Break that code of Brotherhood and it will be banishment or more. The commitment is still the same as are the conditions. If a fellow biker is in need, you help without hesitation or question. And you can expect the same.

Now many are confused or at the least curious as to why all the need for the commitment, loyalty, honesty, etc. Well here is my opinion from experience. Both soldier and biker are often ridiculed, mis-judged, and treated like an outcast. The lives they live are by their own choosing, and are significantly alike, and those who choose to look down on them do not and probably will never understand what it means to these Soldiers and Bikers to be a part of this thing called a Brotherhood. It is their life, their pride, and their family. They will honor each other with the loyalty and respect deserved. And never take lightly the term, “I will lay down my life for my Brother!” Because they truly mean it if they are truly in the BROTHERHOOD!

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